Nadia and the Nomobots

Format: 8 x 22’
Genre: Sci-Fi / Action / Drama
Target: Young adults / +14
Technique: 2D + CGI
Producer: Picante
Creators: D. Agrimbau & J. Tumburús
Status: Developing the adaptation from comics. Looking for partners
Project Overview

Brainchild of the comic book Nomobots, written by D. Agrimbau with original artwork by J. Tumburús and published in both Argentina and the USA, this project aims to unleash an urban dystopian nightmare on screen, where action reigns supreme and society’s values are put to the test.

Brainchild of the comic book Nomobots, written by D. Agrimbau with original artwork by J. Tumburús and published in both Argentina and the USA, this project aims to unleash an urban dystopian nightmare on screen, where action reigns supreme and society’s values are put to the test.