Bursting forth from the streets of Buenos Aires.
Forged by the heat of screens. Fed
on a steady diet of fiction. Driven by the urge to create 2D content.
Convicted of committing audiovisual services.
Predestined to conceive unique visions. We are excellence. We are the natural predator of the killjoy.
We are animation.

our catalogue

Nadia and the Nomobots

Nadia and the Nomobots

Format: 8 x 22’

Genre: Sci-Fi / Action / Drama

Target: Young adults / +14



Format: 8 * 11’

Genre: Comedy - Adventure

Target: 9 - 12



Format: 8 * 11’

Genre: Comedy - Action - Parody

Target: 9 - 12

The Trent UltraShow!

The Trent UltraShow!

Format: 8 * 1’

Genre: Comedy - Action - Parody

Target: 9 - 12

show all catalogue

Tour dates

Friends, artists, clients, investors, producers and philanthropists. Coming together and networking. Spinning a web strong enough to hold our creativity. Feel free to drop by and say hi when you see us touring, the beers are on us!